Representing the Consortium towards the EC and the Consortium, the coordinator is the promoter and the supervisor of the overall technical and scientific progress of the project.
Stefan KLOTZ (UFZ)
General assembly
It is the decision-making body of the project. Chaired by the project coordinator, it is composed of one representative per partner (each having one vote for decision making) and is responsible for the strategic and political orientation of the project.
Executive committee
It is the decision implementing body of the project. Chaired by the project coordinator, it is made up of the leaders of each workpackage* and is in charge of the operational management of all the activities of the project.
The Executive Committee members are: Abad CHABBI (INRA) - Stefan KLOTZ (UFZ) - Helen FRENCH (Bioforsk) - William KUNIN (UnivLeeds) - Nicolas BERTRAND (NERC) - Michael MIRTL (EAA) - Jacques ROY (CNRS) - Franco MIGLIETTA (CNR) - Steffen ZACHARIAS (UFZ) - Ivan NIJS (UA) - Klaus Steenberg Larsen (DTU) - Harry VEREECKEN (Jülich) - Yuchong TANG (IT) - Martin FORSIUS (SYKE).
User selection panel
Proposed by Transnational Access management team for each candidate submission (at least two external reviewers for each candidate), it will select the candidates from the call for access in line with the guidelines for the call.
Scientific advisory board
It will provide a bridge between the primarily scientific work programme and the policy and societal requirements. They will also contribute to an independent assessment of the project and provide guidance throughout the project to the Executive Committee. The functions of the Scientific Advisory Board should thus include:
- Monitor the scientific quality of the project
- Review the ExpeER strategic plan
- Check the adequacy of the linkages amongst the ExpeER components
- Provide the Executive Committee with suggestions to improve the quality of the research
- Assist the Executive Committee in defining priorities
- Sustain high quality output and outcome of the project results
It is composed by Pr Pete SMITH, Pr Scott COLLINS, Pr Wouter LOS, Pr Michael BAHN and Prof. Dr. Nina BUCHMANN.
Related sites group
It is drawn up from representatives of EU infrastructures not part of the partnership that adhere to the ExpeER long-term vision. Until now, they are all part of LTER-Europe.
Administrative team
Daily administrative management work and handling of the project logistics is to be handled by the administrative team which is led by Yuchong TANG (IT).